Always Neutral
38 stories

Before moving, destroy the weakest unit from the player who has most units on the board

By HylandMoon in January 2023
The Balancer
He is as old as the world itself. He and his counterpart are known as the Halves of Creation because they both come from one Greater Being that once c…

Give 3 strength to a target friendly unit and vitalize it

By CryoPlasma in March 2021
Potion of Growth
One stormy night, a knight was in a overwhelming battle against the odds, knowing that he is weak, he knows that he will not survive against the oppon…

On death, destroy all enemy units and structures in front with 3 strength or less strength. Spawn 3 strength Ravens on tiles behind

By Pepegak in January 2021
Avian Stalkers
Avian Stalkers: No one knows how they came to be. No one knows why they’re here. No one likes it when they show up. Especially enemies. Some elders, e…

On play, spawn 2 strength Knights in front of surrounding enemy units

By Owlmaster in January 2021
The Creation of the Brothers
Edrik looked over his small group of recruits. He had a mission to train his armies with as much diversity as possible. In the past, he had split the…

On play, create a 0 cost unit with 5 strength and add it to your deck

By HylandMoon in January 2021
The Collector
“When He was born, He lived His childhood in a circus which was a sort of family business. The circus that His family owned was always on the move, so…

Before moving, disable the ability of 1 surrounding enemy unit

By Owlmaster in January 2021
The Awakening
They have been in the rotten cellar for ages. The room had smelled like rotten eggs and had mold growing all over. Bioluminesnt fungi illuminated the…

Deal 5 damage to enemy units bordering your base

By Pepegak in October 2020
Flooding the Gates
Legend has it that the metals for this royal spell are mined in the dragon arena mines and near the Arkanspe mountains in the Winter kingdom. Thousand…

After attacking, spawn a 3 strength Undead on the tile behind

By Pepegak in October 2020
Lich Summoners
During the reign of the Knights and before the Great Awakening of Dragons in the Stormbound universe, there was nothing but undead. They inhabited all…

Before attacking a unit, reduce its strength to 3

By MosiacMaster in September 2020
Queen Death
She was a fae of the woods and seas living peacefully. But one fateful night the humans came, the knights trapped the dragons and killed the trees, th…

Before attacking a unit or structure, deal 3 additional damage to it

By MorreXD in August 2020
A Matter of Duty
As a Joust Champion, I shall travel around my nation to compete in tournaments, so my people can be released from their arduous lives and enjoy numero…

After surviving damage, gain 2 strength for each stronger enemy unit

By Zyries in April 2020
Chloerós Floiós
A fancy way to say it. Experiment: 156. I don't even need to say the name for you to remember what it was, hm? Maybe you'll learn. … “… And the n…

Before attacking a unit, reduce its strength to 3

By Minethetekit in April 2020
Siren of the Seas
What was love? Is it something that you have, something you can hold? The siren did not know, for she did not know love. She has heard so many tales…

When played with a full hand, discard all cards and draw 4 new cards

By Xcircle in September 2019
Snake Eyes
The pirates I roam with love to gamble. It’s everywhere. Everything from menial chores, to attacks. … Want something someone else has? “I’ll roll you…

Deal 1 damage to enemy units and structures

By DoppleFock in September 2019
“In records of old, tales tell of a weapon not seen since the days of the Gray Legion's dominion. Hidden within one of their ancient citadels, a trove…

By Zethes in September 2019
Gifted Recruits
The Gifted Recruits of the Knights of Valour were not always as strong as he is now. Back when the Storm never arrived, He was a timid and shy little…

At the start of your turn, explode and deal 2 damage to enemies

By Xcircle in September 2019
Powder Tower
Just before the battle. Men coming off boats. Clattering metal. The battle has started Musket, shot, BANG Knights fall one by one Cannons, grapes…

On play, deal 4 damage to surrounding enemy structures

By MooreFunn in May 2019
Siege Breakers
This is what they are, tortured souls, longing to forget. Bitten by the cold between their hooves, the satyr stood no chance. The fur on their backs…

When played with at least 3 surrounding enemies, deal 3 damage to them

By DoppleFock in May 2019
As one the Pact's oldest librarians, I have had plenty of time to mull over the vast histories of our nation. The countless battles.The grandest celeb…

On play, deal 7 damage spread randomly among surrounding enemies

By Minethetekit in January 2019
Crazy Bombers
The bomber had always been crazy, ever since he was a child. At the age of 7, he set off a bomb, killing 5 rodents and critically damaging a construct…

On play, discard a random non‑Pirate card from your hand

By Zethes in January 2019
First Mutineer
The swift and agile Mutineers strike an agile and swift punch. They fight for what is right. Having their minor downsides is what makes them who they…

On play, deal 4 damage to a random surrounding enemy

By DoppleFock in January 2019
Ever since abandoning the Pact, I became but stray snow in the wind, drifting to and fro until settling down to waste away in a land I’ve never known…

Before attacking a weaker unit, add a 5 strength copy of that card to your deck

By HurgusBurgus in January 2019
Harvesters of Souls
Theirs is a magic considered an atrocity, by the traditions of the Swarm, duplication of ones physical form and individuality by way of extracting the…

By HurgusBurgus in January 2019
Warfront Runners
After seeing the endurance and speed of the grim couriers, Edrik thought to himself how a division of scouts would supplement his knights on the warfr…

On play, deal 1 damage to a random enemy for each unique surrounding primary unit type

By Zethes in January 2019
Ubass the Hunter
Ubass was what his name suggested he was. He was skilled with axes and hunted food for the lands. When the storm came, he repurposed his aim into a mo…

When played bordering a friendly Temple structure or base, spawn 4 strength Knights on its bordering tiles

By Zyries in January 2019
Unison March
We work in order. We are living bastions. Swords are for aggression. Shields defend against aggression. We do not take kindly against aggression. A…

On death, give 1 strength to a random surrounding enemy unit and vitalize it

By Zethes in January 2019
Green Prototypes
It was as if you could still hear the buzzing of the chains and the clicking of the gears. The Green Prototypes are an expendable but irreplaceable pa…

By Zethes in January 2019
Lawless Herd
Although these creatures are known as one of the most powerful and investment worthy, they are still shy inside. The Lawless Herd was never brave. Th…

On death, give 5 strength spread randomly among surrounding friendly units

By Zethes in January 2019
The Snowmasons were very rich repairmen and blacksmiths. They were handy with their tools and skilled with sledgehammers. They were pretty simple cre…

At the start of your turn, deal 4 damage to the most forward enemy unit or structure

By HurgusBurgus in January 2019
Trueshot Post
The trueshot posts are monumental defensive posts, shaped in memory of an unknown knight of veritable legend, who roamed the frontier and islands with…

Randomly spawn a Knight with 1 strength

By HurgusBurgus in January 2019
Summon Militia
When Edrik needs a temporary defense circuit, or perhaps a small police force, this is his answer. Most fielding knights will be placed in the Militia…

When played with at least 3 surrounding enemies, deal 3 damage to them

By Zyries in January 2019
Collector’s Storytime
So… what’s under the islands, I bet you’re asking? Well, let’s go to the beginning. When the Pangeic Kingdom was still around. There were 5 sectors:…

By Xcircle in January 2019
Gifted Recruits
I remember it as clear as yesterday. The smell, the taste, the sound, the blood. I stand alone. Face smeared with ash. I smell smoke. I taste the copp…

On play, spawn 2 strength Knights in front of surrounding enemy units

By HobbitBoi in January 2019
Edrik the Fierce
He was born amid chaos and destruction sown by the Everstorm, the terrible tempest that shattered our world into the isles and to this day rages with…

On play, give 3 strength to another random friendly unit

By Bucket in January 2019
Personal Servers
Personal Servers were created by the Ironclad Union to liven up the dens of the rodents. Clean the dens, empty the latrines, and serve potent drinks a…

By Xcircle in January 2019
Salty Outcasts
The ravens squabbled back and forth trying to decide what to do to their raucous and brutal servants. They needed them to be violent yet subservient i…
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