Update 07-2022
By Kitty · Official · 07/2022Back to releases
Hello Stormbounders! A new version of Stormbound is coming early July, bringing balance tweaks, 2 new cards, exclusive offers and the new login beta!
Balance Changes
This release, just like any other, will bring some balance changes.
- Chilled Stonedames’ strength is now 5/6/7/8/9 (up from 4/5/6/7/8).
- Bounded Daemons’ strength is now 4/5/5/6/7 (up from 3/4/4/5/6).
- Olf the Hammer’s strength is now 7/8/9/11/13 (up from 6/7/8/10/12).
- Excited Mousers’ ability is now board-wide instead of surrounding only.
- Rockworkers’ movement is now 1 (up from 0) and their strength is now 3/4/5/6/7 (down from 4/5/6/7/8).
- Midwinter Chaos’ ability now targets units with 5/6/7/8/9 strength (up from 4/5/6/7/8).
- Temple of Space’s strength is now 4/5/6/7/8 (up from 3/4/5/6/7).
New cards
Two new cards coming this month, one of them dedicated to Reckless Rush, the popular community member who made waves for being an aggressive rush player reaching high leagues with low-level cards. If you haven’t read Reckless’ guide, be sure to do so!






The second card, Awakening of the Will, is a common spell that synergizes well with 4- and 5-mana vanilla cards (cards without ability).

Give strength to 1 random friendly unit with no ability equal to their mana cost, then give them additional strength up to 1 of their mana cost

Give strength to 1 random friendly unit with no ability equal to their mana cost, then give them additional strength up to 2 of their mana cost

Give strength to 2 random friendly units with no ability equal to their mana cost, then give them additional strength up to 2 of their mana cost

Give strength to 2 random friendly units with no ability equal to their mana cost, then give them additional strength up to 3 of their mana cost

Give strength to 3 random friendly units with no ability equal to their mana cost, then give them additional strength up to 5 of their mana cost

As usual, there will be $9.99 exclusive packs for every new card to get 10 and 3 copies respectively as well as 750 coins and
5 fusion stones.
New Brawls
A brand new Brawl is introduced to the game: Godspeed. In this mode, Ancient units will have 2 movement, regardless of their initial movement. Note that this doesn’t cause their ability to proc twice — still only once per movement phase. This Brawl will premiere on July 21st in all Brawl difficulties.
Additionally — similar to what we did in the last months — we will introduce 2 new Brawl modifiers for the 2 new cards. We think it’s a good way for you to be able to try, play with and enjoy newly added cards before you start collecting them.
Like last time, a 0-mana level 1 (unless owned and leveled) copy of the new card will be added to everyone’s deck (thus causing all decks to have 13 cards).
- The Warrior Brawl starting on the July 14th will be for Reckless Rushers.
- The Warrior Brawl starting on the June 28th will be for Awakening of the Will.
New login beta
The new login is finally just around the corner and we are going to start an open beta very soon! This gives you the opportunity to sign up and be one of the first players to try the new system and earn 50 rubies!
If you are interested in participating, here is what you need to do. Send an email to new.login.beta@stormboundgames.com with the following information:
- Your Stormbound player ID (e.g. 102390249)
- Your Discord name + tag (e.g. Kitty#1909)
- Your country of residency (e.g. United States of America)
- The platform you play on (i.e. Apple, Android or Steam)
- The email you will be using to sign in with Google or Apple
It is important the subject of the email you send matches this very format: <Discord ID> <Stormbound ID> <Platform (iOS/Android/Steam)> login
. For instance, Kitty#1909 1002216742 Android login
From there, a handful of players will be chosen and invited to a private Discord channel mid-July to participate in the beta. All instructions will be given in due time.
- When is the update going to be released?
The balance changes will be deployed with the season reset as usual. The 2 cards will be introduced on July 10th for Reckless Rushers and July 24th for Awakening of the Will.
- Does Awakening of the Will synergize with disable?
No. A unit whose ability was disabled (facing Stoic Protectors for instance) does not count as a unit without ability for the sake of Awakening of the Will.